We are delighted to announce the launch of our #LOVEYOURLOCALARCHES Photography Competition 2022, celebrating outstanding images of railway arch communities across the country.


We are delighted to announce the launch of our #LOVEYOURLOCALARCHES Photography Competition 2022, celebrating outstanding images of railway arch communities across the country. This is the arch architecture, the businesses within them and the spaces that surround them.

Our panel of judges are looking for photographs that encapsulate the arch community. Successful images will be well crafted and striking, with competitors encouraged to tell a visual story through their photography.

Not all arches belong to The Arch Company, please register your College/Universities interest to receive a list of local arches in your area by contacting us on 0800 830 840 or email us at Marketing@ thearchco.com.

The competition is open to all students that are enrolled in college/ university.


Unique, Urban Spaces

Arches are at the heart of urban centres, and have an impressive past, present and future. Embracing the unique features that the arches have to offer (in terms of exterior, brickwork, structure, and outside space). Arches are also unique commercial spaces, and each arch is fitted out in a different way, so embracing this visually is key.

The Arch Community

Arches are often surrounded by people in their everyday environment – they are places where people work, shop and create. The arches provide a sense of community between locals, business owners and we’d like to see images that celebrate this dynamic relationship, and foster a sense of togetherness.


Storytelling the dynamism of the arches, by providing lifestyle images that are less static and unexpected.


The competition is open from Monday 3 October 2022, 00.00am and closes Sunday 19 March 2023, 23.59am. The winner and runners up college/university will be notified within 14 days of the closing date.

  • Entries must be submitted by email to Marketing@thearchco.com.
  • Entries must be labelled with the entrant’s name and location of the photograph and image files must be 300 dpi.
  • Entrants should include their own name and telephone number. The is no limit to the number of entries per person. We regret that we are unable to accept postal entries.

Please read the competition Terms and Conditions below before entering.


The overall winner’s college/university will receive up to £1000 to spend on cameras or equipment/accessories and their winning entry will be featured on the front cover of Arch Life edition in August 2023.

The three category winner’s college/ university will receive up to £500 to spend on cameras or equipment/ accessories.

All winners will be announced and featured across our official Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts, and announced on Monday, 3 April 2023.

If you have any questions, please email Marketing@thearchco.com.

Good luck, we look forward to seeing your entries!