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- Our Tenants’ Charter
Our Tenants’ Charter sets out our approach to working with our customers and managing the arches estate.
The Charter was developed in consultation with our customers, their representative groups including Guardians of the Arches and Federation of Small Businesses, and other partners including local authorities. The Charter is based upon four key principles:
- Being an accessible and responsible landlord – We listen to our customers and respond to their feedback. We have a 24-hour, seven-day, customer service centre to ensure we’re always available night and day
- Providing environments that help our customers to thrive – We are investing in our properties to create the best possible environment in which arch businesses can thrive. Our £200m Project 1000 plan is set to bring 1,000 empty and derelict arches into use by 2030
- Working in partnership with our customers – We are one of the few commercial property landlords to have a specific policy to provide discounts for longstanding small businesses who would otherwise struggle to pay the market rent
- Creating positive social and economic impact – We take steps to help preserve the community of diverse businesses in the arches estate and work with local communities to make a positive impact.
The Arch Company Tenants’ Charter
The Charter was first published in October 2019 and contains 44 specific commitments setting out the service levels our customers can expect from us.
Every year we report on the progress we have made in delivering on those commitments.