Trading Status Update

As outlined in the email that we sent to you recently, if we have already agreed support for you in July and you would like to be considered for further support in August, please fill out the trading status update form shown below.

To make this as easy as possible, we have tried to limit the information request but would ask you provide as full and complete answers as possible, as it will help our review.

  • Current Trading Status

    Is your business open and trading?*

  • Permission to Open

    Does your business trade in a sector that Government guidelines won’t allow to open yet?*

  • Bounce Back Loan

    Have you applied for a Bounce Back loan?*

  • Government Support

  • Use of Deposit

    Confirm you agree to your deposit (where we hold one) being used to pay your rent*

  • Notes
    1. Your case number will have been provided to you when you made your application in June and is also contained in the email we sent to you recently asking for this trading status update
    2. Tenant name/company and tenant reference can be found on your lease document and again will have been in the email that we recently sent you – we are asking for this to double check that we are considering the correct application
    3. All fields marked with * are mandatory
    4. If any of the questions are not relevant for you please add "N/A"
    5. Please refer to our Privacy Policy (link is at the foot of this page) in respect to any personal information or personal data that is provided